Healthy foods for pregnancy

Being in early pregnancy is very fun and alarming because at this initial moment the fetus is still very sensitive . Another thing that makes this crucial phase is the physical and psychological conditions are not good mothers . In early pregnancy the mother will usually drop , be it appetite , emotional and health conditions . On the other hand , the fetus requires emotional tranquility , good nutrition and maternal energy to ensure its sustainability . One of the components that must be highlighted is the nutritional intake . Because it can improve other components as well as physical and emotional condition of the mother . Because the consumption patterns mother , who was in early pregnancy should be maintained . Here's a list of healthy foods for young pregnant women that you should know .
Healthy foods for pregnant women is the first young
1 . red or brown rice . Why not white rice ? The reason is the carbohydrates in brown rice is quite complex so much better when compared to white rice . In addition , brown rice also contains fiber so it will be very good for reducing the symptoms of constipation which usually appears in women in early pregnancy.Another food that is good for the mother is broccoli and red beans . Both of these foods are known as non- heme iron sources of iron . Women who are pregnant are very vulnerable young blood shortage . If left unchecked will make mothers normally difficult to indulge . Therefore , eating foods with iron content is absolute . Aside from the plants , iron can also be obtained from red meat commonly known as heme iron . Aside from the food , pregnant women also can obtain supplies of iron supplements recommended by obstetricians .

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