Tahnik for baby

Assalamu'alaikum doctor .
Before that, I want to ask , tahnik it like? Is tahnik baby may only use palm ? What about honey ? Is it dangerous to the health of the baby ? And how about the most appropriate technique mentahnik baby and is there proof for this? The attention and the answer jazaakumullahu khoiron .
Answer :
tahnik sense described by Ibn Hajar al - Asqalani rahimahullah ,
والتحنيك مضغ الشيء ووضعه في فم الصبي ودلك حنكه به يصنع ذلك بالصبي ليتمرن على الأكل ويقوى عليه وينبغي عند التحنيك أن يفتح فاه حتى ينزل جوفه وأولاه التمر فإن لم يتيسر تمر فرطب وإلا فشيء حلو وعسل النحل أولى من غيره
" Tahnik was chewing something and then put / put it into the baby's mouth , then rubbed to the roof of his mouth . Do so with a baby so that she trained to food and to strengthen it . And that should be done when mentahnik let the baby's mouth opened so something had chewed into the stomach . And which is more important when mentahnik with dried dates ( tamr ) . If it is not easy to get dried dates ( tamr ) , then with wet dates ( Ruthab ) . And if there is no dates with something sweet and honey is certainly more important than the others ( except for dates) . " ( Fathul Bari , 9:558 , Darul ma'rifah , Beirut , 1379 H , syamilah )
Himah tahnik is that the very first entry in the baby's stomach is something sweet and when it's praying for a blessing .
Shaykh Muhammad Salih al - Munajjid hafidzahullah explained ,
وأما الحكمة من التحنيك بالتمر , فقد كان العلماء قديما يرون أن هذه السنة فعلها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ليكون أول شيء يدخل جوف الطفل شيء حلو , ولذا استحبوا أن يحنك بحلو إن لم يوجد التمر
" The wisdom of tahnik using dates, the earlier scholars argue that this is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam that the very first entry into the baby's stomach is something sweet , therefore it is advisable mentahnik with something sweet if it did not get dates. " ( Al - Islam wal Su'al responsible , source : http://islamqa.info/ar/ref/102906 )
Al - Mawardi rahimahullah said ,
فعند من يجيز التحنيك فالأفضل عنده أن يكون بالتمر , فإن لم يجد فيحنكه بشيء يكون حلوا على ما ذهب إليه الشافعية والحنابل
" According to scholars who allow tahnik ( no special actions for the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam course ) , then the most important dates in their use , if not then with something sweet as Syafi'iyyah and Hanabilah opinion . " ( Al - Inshaf lil Mawardi 4:104 , source : http://www.ferkous.com/site/rep/Bo46.php )
Imam An - Nawawi rahimahullah said ,
كون التحنيك بتمر وهو مستحب ولو حنك بغيره حصل التحنيك ولكن التمر أفضل
" Tahnik done with dates and is mustahab , but if anyone other than the date palm mentahnik with the tahnik actions have occurred , but the main tahnik with more dates . " ( 14:124 Nawawi Syarhu lin Muslim , Dar Ihya'ut Turost , Beirut , cet . II , 1392 H , syamilah )
So basically tahnik using sweet ingredients , the honey can also be used , but that is exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam is using dates.
As narrated by al - Bukhari and Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Burdah from Abu Musa , he said ,
ولد لى غلام فأتيت به النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فسماه إبراهيم وحنكه بتمرة
" Have you given me a son , then I brought him to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , then he gave him the name of Abraham and mentahniknya with a date palm . " ( Produced by Al - Bukhari ( 5467 Fathul Bari ) Muslim ( 2145 Nawawi ) Ahmad ( 4/399 ) , al - Bayhaqi in al - Kubra ( 9/305 ) and Ash- Syu'ab his works ( 8621 , 8622 ) )
Tahnik health benefits and has conducted research penelitian.Berikut specialist dr . Muhammad Ali al - Baar , this is summarized ,
" إن مستوى السكر " الجلوكوز " في الدم بالنسبة للمولودين حديثا يكون منخفضا , وكلما كان وزن المولود أقل , كان مستوى السكر منخفضا .
وبالتالي فإن المواليد الخداج [ وزنهم أقل من 2.5 كجم ] يكون منخفضا جدا بحيث يكون في كثير من الأحيان أقل من 20 ملليجرام لكل 100 ملليلتر من الدم . وأما المواليد أكثر من 2.5 كجم فإن مستوى السكر لديهم يكون عادة فوق 30 ملليجرام .
ويعتبر هذا المستوى ( 20 أو 30 ملليجرام ) هبوطا شديدا في مستوى سكر الدم , ويؤدي ذلك إلى الأعراض الآتية :
1 - أن يرفض المولود الرضاعة .
2 - ارتخاء العضلات .
3 - توقف متكرر في عملية التنفس وحصول ازرقاق الجسم .
4 - اختلاجات ونوبات من التشنج
Indeed substances sugar " glucose " in the blood of newborns is very small , and if babies are born weighing less then the less the content of sugars in the blood .
Therefore , preterm infants ( born before adulthood ) , weighs less than 2.5 kg, the sugar content is very little substance , which in some cases even less than 20 mg/100ml blood . As a child born with a weight above 2.5 kg the blood sugar levels are usually above 30 mg/100 ml .
This kind of mean levels ( 20 or 30 mg/100 ml of blood ) is a state of emergency in the size of blood sugar levels . This can lead to various diseases :

Baby refuses to breastfeed ;
The muscles go limp ;
Stop continuous respiratory activity and the baby's skin becomes bluish ;
Contractions or spasms ( Al - Islam wal su'al responsible , source : http://islamqa.info/ar/ref/102906 )
Thus , may be useful .
Answered by : dr . Raehanul Bahraen ( Alumni of Faculty of Medicine , is currently undertaking specialist clinical pathology at the Faculty of Medicine )

Sourse : http://www.konsultasisyariah.com

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